12 Dark Hours In Zagreb, Croatia

My adventure started with a wet, cold and windy arrival late at night in Zagreb Croatia in July 2011. On the way into the city centre from the airport, we received a crash course on outer Zagreb apartment and retail projects from a very friendly, enthusiastic taxi driver. My fiancée’s family on her grandmother’s side is from Split, and we were heading there the next morning.

Unlike the side of Croatia that we were to see over the next week, full of beaches, Mediterranean influences and the like, Zagreb is very much a city that is influenced by its location, with many things that reminded me of earlier travels in Hungary and Austria.

Before reaching the Old City, on the drive in from the airport, evidence of post World War communist era architecture was evident everywhere.  Contrasting with this, were modern developments and buildings.  It looked fascinating and I really wanted to explore.

The city is very cultural and full of museums and, as fellow travel blogger and friend Nate pointed out in his recent post on the city, they have a very popular museums night that provides free entry to all. Brilliant!

Unfortunately I was completely unprepared, and the rain really was quite intense, hence the lack of photos and, compared to normal the sub-par quality. Rest assured though, in just those few hours in the city that night, I discovered a place that absolutely intrigued me.

Zagreb, I will be back.

Zagreb Croatia

Zagreb Croatia

Zagreb Croatia

Zagreb Croatia

Zagreb Croatia

Zagreb Croatia

The wet weather really added an extra level of character to the city on the night.  Despite it being late, dark, cold and wet – there were still quite a large number out and about, and more than enough choices available when we decided to get something to eat.

Zagreb Croatia

Zagreb Croatia

Zagreb Croatia

Zagreb Croatia

Zagreb Croatia



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