Cobble Hill Historic District, Brooklyn

Today, I decided to explore a different part of Brooklyn. In my mind, Brooklyn was supposed to be gritty and industrial (well formerly industrial to an extent I suppose these days), however I was completely unaware of the more “upmarket” part of Brooklyn.

Around the Brooklyn Heights and Cobble Hill areas is the “Cobble Hill Historic District”, which is full of beautiful houses and architecture dating from the 1830s to the 1920s. It is a very nice area. Even outside of the historic district, you can tell that the surrounding area was different than the other parts of Brooklyn which I had visited.

There are lots of little bars, cafes and family run stores, as well as the usual suspects of chain stores and lots more parents with prams (note the specific use of parents rather than nannies).

I saw a few houses in New York that had this mosaic tile art done one them, but it was not a big thing. If you look at my Philadelphia photos, you’ll see just how much this was a feature of that city.

As you would know if you are a regular reader of my blog, I’m not generally one for chains, by virtue of their poor price to quality ratio, however when it comes to Starbucks I will admit that they do the flavoured coffees in a way that sometimes you just want. The Pumpkin Spice Latte really did hit the spot on more than one occasion. Perhaps the novelty of not being able to get the flavour outside of the USA had something to do with it?



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