New Museum, Lower East Side



new museum lower east side manhattan



new museum lower east side manhattan



new museum lower east side manhattan



NEW YORK CITY | The New Museum was founded in 1977 by Marcia Tucker and is dedicated to exhibiting contemporary art from around the world, and acting as an incubator for new ideas. The New Museum has called several locations home since its founding, and has been at it current Bowery location since 2007. The building, designed by Tokyo-based architects Kazuyo Sejima and Ryue Nishizawa/SANAA features seven white boxes stacked atop each other. It symbolises the openness of the museum and is completely column free, which gives the museum a lot of flexibility when changing exhibits.

The museum presents the work of under-recognized artists, and currently has a collection of around 1,000 works. It promotes the free flow of ideas and has a mission statement that embraces difference, debate, and multiple viewpoints regardless of race, gender, class, or creed. The result is some very interesting, often confronting and thought provoking exhibitions. “Songs for Sabotage”, the fourth New Museum Triennial for example, questioned how individuals and collectives around the world might effectively address the connection of images and culture to the forces that structure our society. Helen Johnson: Ends meanwhile, explored issues around the legacy of colonialism, the construction of national identity, personal history, and contemporary politics in Johnson’s native Australia.

New Museum

235 Bowery
New York
New York 10002
United States

Telephone: 212 219 1222
E-mail: [email protected]

Tue – Wed, Fri – Sun: 11:00am to 6:00pm
Thu: 11:00am to 9:00pm



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