Reflecting On Italy

After recently spending a wonderful month in Italy with my partner, exploring and travelling, there was one question that kept coming to mind.

Why do we enjoy this country so much? The answer, we think, is the genuine sense of community, simplicity and respect shown to all who visit.

From Rome to Puglia, Rada to Sienna, Colle di Val D’Elsa to Vicenza we were constantly overwhelmed with the sharing ways of the Italian community.

Italy PJ and Mike 18

We visited so many wonderful towns, we walked and spoke to so many proud engaging people and shared their love for regional traditions, food, wine and community experiences.

As a street photographer and traveller, community engagement is so important, and sharing those wonderful experiences through a camera lens is indeed a respectful honour and privilege. Honest emotion comes to mind while travelling and shooting through Italy and I can say we were surrounded with enthusiastic honesty and community acceptance daily.

It’s fair to say we love this country. We have visited many times, but this trip was special. The food and the people are truly inspiring.

Italy PJ and Mike 41 The City Lane -bnw euro

We are now home and we have a constant craving for those newly shared Italian conversations and experiences. There are many way that we are taken back to Italy, be it via a well earned Spritz or perhaps a fine glass of DOCG Chianti, followed by a traditional Margherita pizza and truffle pasta to share accompanied with a buffalo cheese salad. Oh and don’t forget the fridge full of Limoncello and that last coffee at 11:30pm, superb I would say. Oh and our dress sense seems to have improved too!

Italy PJ and Mike Bnw 1 - The City Lane

Italy, we thank you for sharing your wonderful traditions and community spirit with us and for helping us answer that question we had at the start of our trip, Why do we love your country so much? I hope that, through my words and photos, I’ve been able to convey a little piece of how Italy makes us feel in this post.

Grazie Mille Bravo, See You Soon



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