Trying The Famous Palmer House Brownie



palmer house brownie



palmer house brownie



palmer house brownie



CHICAGO | Chicago is proud of its rich history and for good reason, it can lay claim to home to the world’s first brownie. The first brownie ever was created under the direction of Bertha Palmer. She was known for providing guests with remarkable dishes and wanted to offer something special, and portable to visitors of the 1893 Columbian Exposition World Fair. In 1893, Palmer out did herself by serving the world’s first brownie to guests at the Columbian Exposition World Fair in 1893. According to the Palmer House Hilton, the first official reference to the treat we now call a brownie appeared in the Sears Roebuck catalog published in Chicago shortly after its table top debut.

The original brownie is available at the historic Palmer House Hilton. The Palmer House has an on-site full time historian which will gladly give an in-depth tour of the historic hotel (the tour is free and open to the public). We were invited to luxury hotel to meet with Executive Chef Stephen Henry and try the world’s original brownie recipe. We know what you’re thinking: does the Brownie still taste the same as it did originally? You bet it does! Besides a few minor seasonal additions, the recipe is the exact same recipe used today. Chef Henry is proud of Chicago’s culinary contributions stating, “We are a unique part of US and Chicago history. We want folks of all walks of life to come in, whether they are guests or not to experience the culture and food we have to offer here.”

The brownie we tried was soft, warm, and oh so mouthwatering and beyond worth the calories. The brownie is made up of typical ingredients: semi-sweet chocolate, butter, granulated sugar, flour, whole eggs, crushed walnuts and vanilla extract. What we think makes this brownie so special is the extra care and attention that Chef Henry and his team puts in to make sure that every brownie experience will bring you back for more.

What are you waiting for? Taste a piece of history and satisfy your sweet tooth with the famous Palmer House Brownie

Palmer House Hilton

17 E Monroe Street
Illinois 60603
United States

Telephone: 312 726 7500
E-mail: n/a



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