Ultimate Breakfast English Muffin: Recipe

RECIPES | The other day I had no idea what I wanted for lunch, so rummaged around the fridge and put together a rather delicious English muffin. A few tweaks and an addition the next day, and this is the result. Here’s the recipe for my ultimate breakfast English muffin if you want to give it a shot.

Preparation Time: 5 minutes / Cooking time: 10 minutes / Serves: 1


  • One English muffin
  • One egg
  • One rasher back bacon (aka Canadian bacon for those in the USA)⁣
  • One tomato
  • ¼ avocado⁣
  • A fistful of high melt grated cheese, or a single slice⁣
  • Kewpie mayonnaise
  • Sriracha
  • Salt & pepper


  1. Heat a fry pan with a knob of butter.⁣
  2. While the butter is melting, smash your avocado, halve your tomato and sprinkle a little salt and pepper on the insides, and mix a tablespoon of Kewpie with a few squirts of Sriracha.⁣
  3. When the butter is melted, fry the tomato and bacon. When the tomatoes are soft and the bacon is starting to brown, add the egg.⁣
  4. When the egg is fried just enough so the whites are cooked but the yolk is still gooey, remove everything from the pan.⁣
  5. Cut the English muffin in half, and place the insides facing down in the fry pan. Move them around until they’ve mopped up the pan juices, then leave them for a few minutes until the insides have started to crisp.⁣
  6. Assemble in this order. Muffin bottom, sauce, cheese, tomato, bacon, egg, avocado, muffin top.⁣


Try mixing up the sauces depending on your taste. Barbecue sauce works a treat with this too.



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