NEW YORK CITY | Part of the new Hudson Yards development, Vessel is comprised of 154 intricately interconnecting flights of stairs- almost 2,500 individual steps and 80 landings. It’s really quite spectacular.
Locals are mixed on it, and Vessel is actually only a temporary name. Nicknames include the Schwarma, Pineapple Thing, M.C. Escher Stairs, Staircase McStaircaseface, Meat Tornado, The Rat’s Nest, Chalice of the Privileged, The Escalator to Nowhere.
There is no place to sit on the structure, unless you block one of the 154 staircases. You have to schedule an appointment to visit. It’s brought up a very interesting debate between private and public property rights, but there’s no denying that it looks rather cool.
Hudson Yards
New York
New York 10001
United States
Telephone: 332 204 8500
E-mail: n/a
Mon – Sun: 10:00am to 9:00pm