Help Build A Bar With Jack Daniel’s “The Bar That Jack Built”

Every wanted to build a bar?

With Jack Daniel’s “The Bar That Jack Built” you might get that wish.

In celebration of the birthday of the man himself, Jack Daniel’s is once again offering Australian fans the chance to band together and help build a fully functioning bar. But unlike last year when the build was limited to the hands of Sydneysiders, in 2015 this construction goes on tour throughout regional cities in NSW and Victoria.

So, here’s the basic idea. Jack Daniel’s is looking for skilled people, chippies, sparkies, plumbers, artists, designers and awesomely competent people to donate their time to help build the bar, bit by bit, city by city over the month of September (dates below). The finished product will then be set up for two respective three-day runs in Melbourne (Federation Square) and Sydney (Paramatta Park), and because every bar needs music, they’re also looking for bands, entertainers, and singers to accompany what will surely be a lot of whiskey.

Here’s where you can show your bar building capabilities:

Wollongong – Towradgi Beach Hotel: Thursday, 10 September
Queanbeyan – Walsh’s Hotel: Friday, 11 September
Wagga Wagga – Kooringal Hotel: Saturday, 12 September
Wodonga – Birallee Tavern: Sunday, 13 September
Shepparton – The Overland Hotel: Monday, 14 September
Geelong – Grovedale Hotel: Tuesday, 15 September

And you can drink at the bar you built at:
Federation Square, Melbourne
18-20 September

Parramatta Park, Sydney
25-27 September

We think this idea is so crazy it just might work, check out the Jack Daniel’s Australia Bar On Tour Facebook page for more details and to get involved.



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