Help Build Home STREAT Home

MELBOURNE | Every single night 44,000 young Australians have no place to call home. The majority are desperately looking for work, but without the necessary skills and experience they’re destined for long-term unemployment. STREAT exists to stop youth homelessness and disadvantage and crafts future pathways for its trainees, teaching them vital life skills and creating employment opportunities in the hospitality industry.

In recent years STREAT has expanded to the stage that their current home is no longer large enough. Home STREAT Home is STREAT’s new Collingwood home and will allow them to triple the number of youth they support. Once completed, Home STREAT Home will include a café, event spaces, youth training academy, artisan bakery and coffee roastery.

They’ve received support from several generous donors however this still isn’t enough to allow them to complete the fit-out and open the doors. To do this, STREAT needs an additional $100,000. They’re looking for people like you to chip in via a crowdfunding campaign, which you can find here. With these funds, STREAT will be able to put the finishing touches on the café, gardens and youth spaces to ensure they’re ready for business.

If you weren’t already motivated to help out, here’s a short clip from culinary legend and STREAT ambassador Jacques Reymond, showing his enthusiasm for the cause.



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