Caramel Tim Tam Pop-Tarts: Recipe



caramel tim tam pop-tarts recipe



caramel tim tam pop-tarts recipe



caramel tim tam pop-tarts recipe



caramel tim tam pop-tarts recipe



RECIPES | We adore a good pop-tart however they are not easily available in Australia. If we can find them, the choice of flavours is limited compared to what you can get at a regular supermarket in the US. Being Aussies, we of course also love Tim Tams, especially the caramel flavour, so why not combine the two? For those who do not know, caramel Tim Tams are comprised of a caramel layer sandwiched between two biscuits and then the whole thing is coated in a thick layer of chocolate.

When you bite into this pop-tart you start with flaky pastry on the outside, followed by a crunchy chocolate biscuit layer, finishing with a gooey caramel center… heaven!

Preparation Time: 10 minutes / Cooking Time: 20-25 mins / Serves 4


  • 6 caramel Tim Tams
  • 2 shortcrust pastry sheets, defrosted
  • 1 large egg, ~56g
  • 50g powder sugar
  • 10-15 ml milk


  1. Preheat your oven to 220°C.
  2. Cut each sheet of pastry into six even pieces.
  3. Crack an egg into a bowl and beat lightly.
  4. Brush one piece of pastry with the lightly beaten egg.
  5. Place one Tim Tam into a pestle and mortar and crush into small pieces.
  6. Remove the caramel layer and place it into the middle of the pastry.
  7. Sprinkle two thirds of the crushed biscuit on top of the caramel.
  8. Brush the edges of the pastry with more egg and place another piece of pastry on top of the caramel/biscuit layer.
  9. Lightly push the two pieces of pastry together, removing any air bubbles.
  10. Press down the edges with a fork to ensure it is well secured.
  11. Poke a few holes into the top of the pastry with the fork.
  12. Brush the pop tart with egg and place on a lined baking tray.
  13. Repeat steps 4-12 until all the pastry and Tim Tams have been used.
  14. Place the pop-tarts into the oven for 20 minutes.
  15. While the pop-tarts are cooking, mix together the milk and powdered sugar to form a runny icing.
  16. Remove the pop-tarts from the oven and place on a cooling tray.
  17. Drizzle the icing on top of the pop-tarts and sprinkle with the remaining crushed Tim Tam.
  18. Serve warm.


You can make your own pastry if you prefer however I like the convenience of using pre-made shortcrust – it’s easier, quicker, and tastes just as good.



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