ArtNeedsFriends: A New Way To Look At Side Projects

art needs friends

Hey there, I’m Chris.

You might have read my work here or in here or heard my voice as co-host of the Brunswick Beer Collective, the City Lane’s podcast about all things beer. And as you would guess from all that, I really like to make things. All things. It could be a book, or an article, or a podcast, or music, or heck, even IKEA furniture. I’m always happiest when I’m making something.

But you know what? Sometimes, making things can be really hard work. Whether you’re playing your guitar at home but looking to play with others, trying to market your writing beyond your notepad, or staying up all night baking for your weekend stall, sometimes we all need some help. And so to try and make this a little easier, I made ArtNeedsFriends.

ArtNeedsFriends is a way for you to find the people, or the team, for the things you do outside your 9 to 5.

You might be looking for a fellow maker, such as the right people to join your band; a writer to complement your design skills; or a crafty soul who can do the things you can’t. Or you might be looking for a helper, such as a marketer who can help get the word out; a designer who can make your work look better; or a photographer who can let everyone else see your work the way you see it. Or maybe you need one of all of these things and more. From music, to craft, to design, and whatever your skill level, the options are limitless.

Or at least, they will be.

Because this is where I need your help. In order to connect people, ArtNeedsFriends needs people to connect with. Bridges aren’t one-way, and you, yes you, could help to build them.

So if you’re looking for collaborators or helpers to take for your art, your music, or side or passion project beyond your bedroom or study, head on over to, become a member, and see who you find.



Bright Palace, Docklands

Tzaki, Yarraville

JUNI, Melbourne

Nori Maki, Melbourne CBD

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