Choya Single Year Golden Ume Fruit Pear Creme: Recipe



choya single year pear creme recipe



choya single year pear creme recipe



choya single year pear creme recipe



RECIPES | Umeshu is a drink that I was introduced to in Japan. It was during my first visit to the country in 2014. Umeshu, commonly known and plum wine, is made using a fruit known as Nanko-ume. The whole, unripe fruit is steeped in Shochu and sugar, and the result is quite unique.

Choya is one of the most popular brands of umeshu globally, and have been making the liqueur since 1959. As part of the Virtual Travel Expo 2020, Choya sent me a bottle of their Single Year Golden Ume Fruit.

Nanko-ume from Kishu, Wakayama is allowed to age for over a year in the bottle, and remains inside (you can eat it or use it as a garnish). This ageing adds a unique golden colour to the umeshu, along with greater richness, depth & elegancy compared to the entry level umeshu.

I didn’t want to overpower the delicate flavours of the umeshu, so opted to add a delicate touch pear to the mix, along with a creamy base. The result is my The Choya Single Year Golden Ume Fruit Pear Creme.

Preparation Time: 10 minutes / Cooking time: n/a / Serves: 1


  • 50ml The Choya Single Year Golden Ume Fruit
  • 12ml amaro
  • 70ml pear juice
  • 25ml condensed milk


  1. Put all the ingredients into a cocktail shaker with ice cubes. Shake well.
  2. Strain into a glass.
  3. Garnish with a slice of pear and serve.


The pear garnish should preferably be dehydrated. You can usually do this in your oven on the low “dehydrate” setting.

Although pear is preferred for its subtlety, the cocktail also works quite well with apple juice as a substitute. If you do try it with apple juice, go for a diluted mixture of 50ml apple juice and 20ml water.



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