Healthy Breakfast Panna Cotta: Recipe

Yes, that’s right, panna cotta for breakfast… that’s also healthy!

So many times when trying to lower the calorie content of a dish that’s normally high in calories, flavour is one of the things that’s sacrificed. This breakfast panna cotta recipe however manages to be low in fat and sugar but high in flavour. We have used milk and natural yoghurt instead of cream, a sprinkle of honey instead of sugar and spices like cinnamon and vanilla to give the panna cotta depth in flavour. The topping of oats and almonds adds some texture to finish off this well balanced delight.

healthy breakfast panna cotta recipe

Preparation Time: 10 minutes          /          Cooking Time: 10 minutes + 3 hours to set       /          Serves 2


Panna Cotta:

  • 250g natural yoghurt
  • 250ml full cream milk
  • 7g gelatine powder
  • 1 vanilla bean, halved
  • 2.5g of light honey (e.g. orange blossom)


  • 10g rolled oats
  • 5g chia seeds
  • 10g slivered almonds
  • 1g ground cinnamon



  1. Add the milk, vanilla bean and gelatine to a saucepan.
  2. Place the saucepan on a low heat for 3-4 minutes until the gelatine dissolves.
  3. Remove the saucepan from the heat.
  4. Scrape the inside of the vanilla bean with a butter knife and add the seeds to the gelatine/milk mixture.
  5. Discard the vanilla bean.
  6. Whisk the yoghurt into the milk/gelatine mixture and pour it into two 250ml glasses.
  7. Cover with cling film and refrigerate for at least 3 hours.
  8. Once the panna cotta has set, drizzle the honey on top.
  9. If you want to add the topping, toast the rolled oats , chia, almonds and cinnamon in a frying pan for 3 to 4 minutes over high heat.
  10. Allow to cool and place on top of the panna cotta.



Feel free to get creative with the toppings. For example 25g of your favourite muesli, a fruit puree or fresh fruit.



Quincy Hotel, Melbourne

Molli, Abbotsford

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