Kid Boston, Windsor

Kid Boston Windsor is an eatery on Chapel street that looks like the kind of place that might be an on trend joint but in fact has a menu that comprises a variety of options with diverse inspirations. Kid Bostong might be owned by the same team that own Boston Sub and Jungle Boy, but the concept is very different.

kid boston windsor review

kid boston windsor review

A decent sized list of drinks are offered, including a range of tasty cocktails.

kid boston windsor review

The small touch of a bowl of popcorn while we decided what to order was much appreciated.

kid boston windsor review

kid boston windsor review

Crab Rolls ($7.50 each)

The first dish we ordered were the crab rolls with Spiced Aioli & Pickled Vegetables. We saw these being prepared as we walked in and knew that we had to order them. The theory was sound as this is the sort of dish that we always love to eat however the Kid Boston version contained a surprise that was very unexpected. Yes the description did say “spiced aioli” but there wasn’t any indication that this was going to be a particularly spicy dish, certainly not to the extent that it was.

The first mouthful was full of flavour and very tasty however a few moments later the heat inside the mouths of everyone in our group who tried this (about 10 people) began to increase. It was a very intense heat, intense enough to make even those of us who are hardened spice eaters to start watering at the eyes. It was a shame as those intial flavours were very promising but these crab rolls were simply far too spicy, something that all of us agreed upon.

kid boston windsor review

Beef Croquettes ($12.00)

Thankfully the beef croquettes, which contained braised beef cheek and horseradish cream, were spicy but weren’t anywhere as intense as the crab rolls. The flavours were nice, there was a good level of spice that didn’t overwhelm everything else and the texture was spot on. Crispy on the outside, creamy on the inside and not too oily.

kid boston windsor review

Salmon ($23.00)

The salmon that we ordered was one of the highlights of our meal at Kid Boston. Lauren, who normally doesn’t like salmon even enjoyed this one. The smokiness was present in just the right amount and helped elevate this simple dish while the use of greens, including apple, worked very well.

kid boston windsor review

Kipfler Potatoes Roasted In Duck Fat With Dill ($10.00)

The potatoes were another winner – indeed the best dishes at Kid Boston were the most simple. The duck fat served to give the potatoes a delectably indulgent crunch and inside they were buttery and creamy. The dill combined with salt in just the right proportions to make this very simple dish one of the best of the night.

kid boston windsor review

Black Pudding ($14.00)

The black pudding served on brioche impressed us with its relative lightness. We love black pudding and have no issue with it being a heavy dish however the Kid Boston version was no where near as heavy as we are usually used to but contined all of the flavour that we love. Simply served on brioche, we were big fans.

kid boston windsor review

kid boston windsor review

kid boston windsor review

kid boston windsor review

Overall, the food at Kid Boston was very good. Apart from the huge misstep that was the crab rolls, everything else on the menu was very well balanced. Simple food that has no rules as to its style or technique, with the only precurser being that it tastes good and uses high quality ingredients is something that we’d love to see more of in Melbourne.

Service wise there were some issues on the night. We were a group of 15 that didn’t have a booking and the staff did struggle with this. Some orders were missed and the pacing of service was very uneven. I understand that a large group of walk ins can pose a challenge but if you’re willing to seat the group, you’ve got to be on the top of your game, especially on a busy Saturday night.

Given the overall quality of the food, and the fact that there were several other things on the menu that looked very tasty, I’d be interested in visiting again.

Kid Boston

41 Chapel Street
Victoria 3181

Telephone: (03) 9939 5256
Email: [email protected]

Wed – Sun: 5:00pm to 1:00pm

Kid Boston on Urbanspoon



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