Made In Melbourne Coffee Collective, Melbourne (Online)



made in melbourne coffee collective melbourne online



made in melbourne coffee collective melbourne online



made in melbourne coffee collective melbourne online



made in melbourne coffee collective melbourne online



MELBOURNE | Made In Melbourne Coffee Collective is a business started by Wesley Lim, who knows a thing or two about coffee and Melbourne’s hospitality scene. He has experience in helping cafes across town reach their potential, and was the founder of cafe Percy’s Aeroplane, and the wholesale manager of AU79.

Made In Melbourne has been primarily focused on the wholesale side of things, but with COVID-19 lockdowns changing the hospitality landscape, Wes has recently started selling beans direct to the public. He’s also launched Homebrew.

When I first heard about the Homebrew concept I was intrigued. The aim is to provide and instant coffee alternative to what’s currently on the market, that gets as close as possible to a cuppa brewed with freshly ground beans.

Coffee is ground and extracted in bulk using espresso machines. The black extracted coffee liquid is then taken to a freeze drying plant to turn it into coffee crystals and package it into tins for home use. There is no chemicals or preservatives and the coffee lasts 3 months in an air tight tin and up to a year if vacuum sealed and placed in the fridge.

⁣Wes sent me some of his coffee beans, and also a tin of Homebrew to try at home. The beans are quality – I used them in a V60 filter and a cold drip. As for Homebrew, consider me impressed.

I see it as a great option for the office (when we’re back at our offices post lockdown), or for home when you don’t have the time, or can’t be bothered, to use your “proper” coffee equipment. It’s certainly a better tasting (and more sustainable) alternative to a lot of the coffee pods out there. And it runs rings around the other instant coffee on the market.

Made In Melbourne Coffee Collective

Online Store
Victoria 3000

Telephone: n/a
E-mail: [email protected]

Mon – Sun: 24 hours a day



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