New York: World Trade Center & Occupy Wall Street

The World Trade Center tragedy isn’t something that needs to be explained.  The site used to be a tourist attraction because of the amazing, monolithic twin towers that stood there – today it’s an attraction for a very different reason.  When you arrive at the site, and see the sheer scale of it, it becomes very hard to comprehend what happened and how it could have possibly felt if you were there on that fateful day of 11 September, 2001.

Jamaica Center Station is one of the many Subway stations in the area that will get you to the World Trade Center site, which as well as housing the new World Trade Center buildings, is also home to the 911 Memorial.

occupy wall street movement 2011

St Paul’s Chapel is the oldest surviving church building in Manhattan, with construction completed in 1766. It is the church that, despite being across the road from the Twin Towers, survived completely intact.

occupy wall street movement 2011

One World Trade Centre under construction.

occupy wall street movement 2011

occupy wall street movement 2011

occupy wall street movement 2011

occupy wall street movement 2011

Occupy Wall Street is another event that occurred in New York City’s recent history that requires little explanation.  A grass roots movement, aimed at providing a voice to the “99%” of those who felt downtrodden by the “1%” in power.  It began in Zuccotti Park below, on 17 September 2011 and became a worldwide phenomenon, with “occupy x” protests popping up in cities all over the world.

The Occupy Wall Street protesters, before being violently evicted by their own government.  I’m not going to get political on this blog, however there are serious questions that need to be asked about the actions of the NYPD and the involvement of the US Government when it came to evicting the protesters.

Quite fairly too, questions need to be asked about those protesters who used the occupy protests as a means of protesting about other, unrelated niche things – I think that the underlying  message and purpose of the occupy movement was/is a very valid one, and by usurping the movement for other, non-related reasons, some risked overshadowing the original message.

occupy wall street movement 2011

occupy wall street movement 2011

On a lighter note, I absolutely love that there are a variety of street carts selling all types of food in New York.  Around lunch time, they are all very popular.

occupy wall street movement 2011

Wall Street is, of course, one of the financial centres of the world, and regardless of what you think of the world of finance, corporate power etc, there is no denying that you can feel the energy and power that’s wielded in this part of New York.



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