Are You One Of Melbourne’s Unsung Kitchen Heroes?

melbourne's unsung kitchen heroes

MELBOURNE | You know the way it goes. You look at websites like The City Lane to, amongst other things, get tips on where you should be eating when out and about in Melbourne and have a great time at this city’s many fantastic restaurants. But no matter how good the things you try when you eat out are, whenever you encounter something that your mother or another close family member or friend makes at home, it’s never quite as good.

Perhaps it’s nostalgia and associated memories, perhaps it’s just that we’re used to the home cooked versions of these dishes, or perhaps it’s because the home cooked versions we know and love are genuinely better?

Regardless of the reason, the simple fact remains that there’s nothing quite like home cooked food. The Yellow Pages and White Pages agree (let’s be honest, who doesn’t) and, in collaboration with the Victorian Country Women’s Association, are looking for Melbourne’s unsung kitchen heroes. Do you know someone who is an amazing home cook that deserves to be celebrated and recognised? Do you think your cooking is rather ace and want the world (well Australia at least) to know about it? Is that secret recipe you know about too good to remain a secret any longer?

If so, head over to the Yellow Pages Baking Legends website before September 12th, along with a photo of your kitchen hero holding their finished product, a copy of the secret recipe, and 50 words or less on why they’re a baking legend in your community 2016. That’s all you need to do to enter, so get cracking or, more appropriately, get baking!



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