Say Hi To Our New London Contributors

Hi everyone, a few weeks ago The City Lane moved into a new phase, and I introduced you to our new contributors. Well I’m happy to announce that after my recent visit to London I’ve got 3 new London based contributors to introduce to you. Paul, Felicity and Genevieve are all united by their love of good food and the city in which they reside and I’m sure you’ll love reading what they have to say. Without further ado, here’s a little bit about each of them.

Paul Mete (Contributor, London)

meteprofilephotoPaul relocated to London from Australia 8 years ago and still hasn’t lost his zest for exploring new restaurants across London. From street food to fine dining, Paul likes to try it all.

Paul is working his way through the alphabet of addiction, but seems to be firmly stuck on “B”. Burgers and beer are his forte and in fact recently Paul started brewing his own beers. The first batch was very well received, albeit by his not so sober guests.

Felicity Spector (Contributor, London)

felicityprofilephotoFelicity is a television journalist based in London who’s worked all over the world for the UK’s multi-award winning Channel 4 News, since 1989. She has a masters in US politics from Harvard – but seamlessly combines the serious stuff with a passion for food, mostly vegetarian – as well as cakes and desserts.

She has been a co-ordinator judge in the Great Taste Awards for eight years, and is constantly tracking down the best cakes, tarts, cookies and puddings – a journey she never wants to end.

Genevieve Waldron (Contributor, London)

genprofilephotoGenevieve caught the travel bug as a student after spending a semester living with a family in Spain. Ever since she dreamed of living and working abroad and 3.5 years ago, she made the dream come true, relocating from Chicago to London.

Genevieve loves the variety of food and cultures in London, and meeting friends from all of the world has opened her eyes to so many amazing experiences. When not exploring the best of what London has to offer, Genevieve loves taking advantage of exploring Europe on her doorstep.



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