Beechworth Honey Shop, Melbourne CBD



beechworth honey shop block arcade



beechworth honey shop block arcade



beechworth honey shop block arcade



MELBOURNE | Beechworth Honey is our go-to honey brand at home, so you can imagine our excitement when we heard about their Block Arcade store, in Melbourne’s CBD. You can find Beechworth Honey in supermarkets across Australia but, if you wanted to try some of the more unique flavours on offer, you had to visit the Beechworth Honey Discovery up in Beechworth itself.

Owners Jodi and Steven Goldsworthy have run the business since founding it 25 years ago, but their family has been making honey in Australia since the 1880s and it’s still family run to this day. This is Beechworth Honey’s first dedicated store outside of Beechworth, and when you walk inside the store your eyes are immediately drawn to the back wall, which features row upon row of different coloured honey in unmarked jars. On one side of the narrow shop are jars with labels, and on the other side, an assortment of honey product like cosmetics and drinks. In the middle is a tasting table, featuring all of the varieties of honey to try.

Beechworth honey has more than 500 hives across Australia, from which around 40 different types of honey are produced each year. Our favourite is the Orange Blossom, a light, floral honey, and we’ve always got a tub on hand at home for general use. One of the more unique honeys which we’ve been enjoying in our baking and in porridge during the winter is the Bee Bold Banksia Honey, a dark, rich honey with a slight molasses flavour to it. Do pay a visit to the store and try a few of the different honeys for yourself, you’ll be surprised at just how diverse the flavours can be. If you do buy some, you can also be happy in the knowledge that you’re supporting a local, family-run business who do a lot to promote sustainability, education, and the community.

Beechworth Honey Shop

Shop 14, The Block Arcade
282 Collins Street
Victoria 3000

Telephone: (03) 5728 1433
E-mail: [email protected]

Mon – Thu: 9:30am to 5:30pm
Fri: 9:30am to 7:00pm
Sat: 9:00am to 5:00pm
Sun: 11:00am to 5:00pm



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