TOKYO | Tokyo Treat is a Tokyo-based online snack box subscription service, offering customers a taste of Japan. I was recently gifted one of their January 2022 boxes to see what it’s all about.
The company started in 2015, when owner Ayumi Chikamoto, who loved packaging Japanese treats for her international friends. Ayumi decided to expand the idea, giving everyone a chance to experience what was new and interesting in the Japanese snack world.
I’ve been to Japan several times, and always load up on snacks when I’m there. Not having been able to travel, I’ve definitely missed my fix of Japanese sweets. Yes, I’ve been able to go to Asian grocery stores here, but it’s not always the newest and biggest range that we have access to. For me that’s one of Tokyo Treat’s biggest advantages – you actually get a selection of interesting snacks and treats that are new, right now in stores in Japan.
There’s seasonal flavours of familiar items like Kit Kat and Pocky, along with all kinds of different things. In my box, it was things like Cafe Au Lait KitKat (exclusive to Tokyo Treat), Pokcy Winter Chocolate, Fuwatto Edamame Crackers, DIY Sauce Senbei, and KiraKira Jewellery Jelly.
Some of the snacks are self explanatory, while others are admittedly confusing for someone who can’t read Japanese. Each box comes with a guide that tells you exactly what each treat is, and instructions for preparation/eating if and when they’re required. I really appreciated this attention to detail. The guide also comes with interesting snippets about what’s going on in Tokyo that month re things like festivals and pop culture.
Tokyo Treat boxes are delivered to over 150 countries around the world each month. You can buy them month by month, or do 3, 6, or 12 month subscriptions and get a discount. You’re guaranteed between 15-20 different treats in each box, with a weight of no less than 1.3kg.
Definitely worth checking out if you’re missing Japan, and want a literal taste of what’s hot in the snack aisles in Japan right now.